The Study of Code-Mixing Phenomenon on the Trials Held by Madiun Military Court
This current research attempts to describe and explain the phenomenon of a speech event so-called code-mixing with military trials held by Madiun Military Court as the setting. The descriptions are based on (1) types and (2) factors attributing the code-mixing phenomenon. The source of data for this study is the utterances spoken by social components during the trials (juries, auditors, witnesses, victims, and defendants). Meanwhile, the data for this study are the application of code mixing. The data were collected through participative study method with noticing and recording technique. Meanwhile the secondary data of this study are the information related to the trials process obtained by conducting document study on official reports. In maintaining the validity, the current study employs method and data triangulation. The data were analyzed through interlingual and extralingual reference on the basis of Sociolinguistics. There are four lingual forms correlating to the code mixing namely (1) words (2) phrases (3) baster (4) and repetition. Those lingual realizations of code mixing are found to be attributable to four factors namely (1) habit (2) vocabulary mastery (3) humor (4) and interlocutor influence.
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