Structural Model of Explaining Social Problem Solving Skills in Teachers Based on Organizational Culture and Religious Orientation: The Mediating Role of Intellectual Property
The aim of this study was to provide a structural model for explaining social problem solving skill in teachers based on organizational culture and religious orientation with the mediating role of intellectual property. The research method was of correlation type. The statistical population of the study was the teachers employed in the academic year 2017-2018 in two regions 1 and 6 of Tehran province. The statistical sample included 250 male and female teachers who were selected by the cluster random sampling method. For data collection, 4 questionnaires of social problem solving skill (De Zorilla et al., 2002), religious orientation (Bahrami, 2001), intellectual property questionnaire (Bonitz (1998), and organizational culture questionnaire with the Islamic approach of Attaran et al. (2017) were used. Data were collected using structural equation modeling (SEM) and analyzed at two levels of descriptive statistics and inferential level using AMOS and SPSS-22 software. The results showed that effective religious orientation predicts the adaptive skills of social problem solving in a positive and meaningful way and also intellectual property predicts adaptive skills of social problem solving in a positive and meaningful way in teachers. On the other hand, the findings indicated that intellectual property mediates the relationship between organizational culture and adaptive problem solving skills in a positive and meaningful way. But intellectual property does not significantly mediate the relationship between effective religious orientation and maladaptive social problem-solving skills. According to the research results, adaptive social problem solving skills of teachers are predicted based on organizational culture and religious orientation mediated by intellectual property.
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