The Effect of Strategic Planning on Entrepreneurship Strategy Requirements (The Case of Private Hospitals in Iraqi Erbil City)
This study aimed to examine the effect of strategic planning that is represented by three dimensions (top management support, technology and strategic goals) on entrepreneurship strategy requirements that is represented by three dimensions (creative capabilities, risk taking,and entrepreneurial culture) related to the perspectives of employees at private hospitals in Iraqi Kurdistan Region Erbil city. A survey questionnaire has been used to collect data, and the questionnaires distributed randomly to (150) health staff comprising of a number of private hospitals, (146) of staff were able to fill and return the questionnaires however (142) of the questionnaires was suitable for the purpose of statically analyzing. The questionnaire encompassed two sections with 30 closed-ended questions. Data collected analyzed quantitatively by using SPSS program version 20. The results of study concluded that there is a moderate and positive correlation as well as a significant impact of strategic planning on entrepreneurship strategy requirements.
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