The Existence of E-Commerce as a Form of Cultural Capital for Online Business Practitioners in Surakarta City

Asnurul Novia Narendra, Sri Kusuma Habsari, Deny Tri Ardianto


The number of E-Commerce users in Indonesia is still very small when the number of internet users and online businesses in Indonesia has increase. The research was conducted in the city of Surakarta, which is based on the background of the city of Surakarta, which is one of the cities in Indonesia with a fairly large history of trade and trading practices. The use of netnographic studies with qualitative-descriptive methods with the aim of discovering the reasons for the small number of E-Commerce users in city of Surakarta and finding the meaning of E-Commerce as culture capital by online business practitioners in city of Surakarta in their online business practices. The votes of 108 online business practitioners in the city of Surakarta are used as primary research data obtained by filling in the google form questionnaire distributed by the snowball method. The study found that online media is actually the favorite online media for conducting online business practices in city of Surakarta. The combination of online social media platforms and online marketplace platforms is the favorite method chosen by most online business practitioners in Surakarta. The cultural capital owned by online businesses practitioners in Surakarta is not only an online platform, but also knowledge and relationships.


Online Business; Social Media; E-Commerce; Culture Capital

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