Business Model Innovation and Its Implications for Indonesian Batik’s Start-up Development
Business Model Innovation is the key to develop and improve the company's strategy to survive and sustain. Nevertheless, the existing Batik communities often find it difficult to innovate their business model. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the nine components of the business model canvas, in Batik communities, Giriloyo and Kricak Kidul village, Yogyakarta. Second, develop an innovation on business model, Ruby Batik start-up. The evaluation research method used was descriptive qualitative case study approach. The data were collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The analytical model used the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). The results showed that nine components of the business model canvas of the batik communities, Giriloyo and Kricak Kidul, Yogyakarta were still less and need improvement and innovation. Innovation of the business model canvas component became the development basis of social entrepreneurship business model, Rubi Batik start-up. The startup business model development, Rubi Batik, was directed to the commercial mission and social impact mission.
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