The Influence of Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitments and Information Technology on Knowledge Sharing
This research was conducted to determine the influence of organizational culture, organizational commitment, and information technology on knowledge sharing. This study is a causal quantitative study, which means that the study analyzes the relationship between two or more variables. In this study, three independent variables (free) and one dependent variable (dependent) are used. The population in this study were the administrators of the NTB Care Application spread over the OPD of the NTB Province, a total of 102 respondents who were also the study samples.The questionnaire's validity and reliability were tested on the instrument,and all question items in the questionnaire were valid,and all question variables were reliable.The analysis used in this study is a multiple regression analysis with three independent variables,namely organizational culture,organizational commitment,and information technology,and one dependent variable,namely knowledge sharing.Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, the three independent variables are known to have a positive effect on Knowledge Sharing with an influence level of 45.9%. In the F-test, the three variables have a positive and significant impact on the Knowledge Sharing variable. In contrast, for each independent variable's partial test, the results show that the Organizational Culture and Information Technology variables positively and significantly affect Knowledge Sharing. Still, for the variable Organizational Commitment, it has a positive and insignificant effect on knowledge sharing.
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