Community Welfare and Rural Tourism
Growth in the number of villages from year to year shows a significant increase. One of the reasons is the high number of village expansion plans. Since the promulgation of Government Regulation Number 72 of 2005 concerning Villages has had an implication on the increasing demands for village expansion. The main purpose of the division of villages is to prosper the community. To accelerate the process of improving the welfare of the village community the government changed the status of the village into a rural tourism. This study tried to analyze the welfare of the people of Sumberbrantas Village after the village division and was determined as a rural tourism and the factors that influence it. The welfare of the people of Sumberbrantas Village after the village division and being designated as a rural tourism has shown good progress due to the development of economic activities and adequate road infrastructure. However, more serious attention needs to be paid to improving education and health services and the promotion of rural tourism.
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