Analysis of Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Students Viewed from Creative Thinking Stages in Problem-Based Learning Model
This study aims to analyze and determine the mathematical problem solving ability of students viewed from creative thinking stages in problem-based learning model and the indicators of student's mathematical problem-solving ability are understanding the problem, devising the problem solving, and solving problems, as well as creative thinking stages, including synthesizing idea, planning idea implementation, and implementing the idea. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects were 26 first-grade students of SMP Swasta Karya Bhakti Medan. The data analysis used is Miles and Huberman method. The results of this study show the analysis of mathematical problem solving ability of students viewed from creative thinking stages in problem-based learning model, namely: (1) in the high category of synthesizing idea stage, students completed three indicators of problem solving abilities. (2) in the medium category of planning idea implementation stage, students merely understood the problem and planned to solve the problem. (3) in the low category of implementing the idea stage, students only understood the problem.
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