The Differences in Work Discipline between Permanent Employees and Contract Employees (Outsourcing) Based on Rewards, Punishment, and Leadership Style in Service and Manufacturing Companies in Tangerang Regency, Banten – Indonesia
This study aims to determine the differences in work discipline between permanent employees and contract employees based on rewards, punishment and leadership style in service and manufacturing companies in Tangerang, Banten-Indonesia. Data in this study are quantitative data. Samples were taken randomly using a questionnaire as an instrument. In this study, the researcher used a non-probability sampling technique. The researcher also involved 100 permanent employees and 100 contract employees as research sample to make sure that a balanced comparison could be made. Data analysis technique used included reliability and validity testing as a test instrument, classical assumption test, and ANOVA which was used as a hypothesis testing tool. The results of this study include: 1) there is no difference in work discipline between permanent employees and contract employees based on reward, 2) there is no difference in work discipline between permanent employees and contract employees based on punishment, and 3) there is no difference in work discipline between permanent employees and contract employees based on leadership style.
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