Teaching Algorithm Department Concepts in Informatics and Information Technologies on the Computer Imitation Model Basis

Fayziev Mirzaali Asfandiyorovich, Nazarov Bakhodir Abdusamatovich


The article describes traditional teaching methods shortcomings, ways to overcome them, information technology modern achievements in the education system, existing scientific publications analysis on the software application in the educational process, problems in this area, relevance and purpose of the idea. In "Informatics and information technology" discipline it is recommended to use concepts logical scheme related to the algorithm and, on this basis, a computer simulation model. A logical scheme of the algorithm concepts has been developed, and a computer simulation model has been created, which provides information about each concept. The methodology of organizing lectures on the basis of the created computer simulation model is described. In this methodology, the working process with a computer simulation model and explaining mechanism the lecture lesson are described in the selected topic content description. In the concluding part, conveying the algorithm concepts to students using a computer simulation model provides a great opportunity to reveal their content, essence, i.e., students can re-read the learning material they are learning, change its presentation speed, i.e., choose the desired mode based on their perceptual abilities.


Informatics and Information Technology; Algorithm; Educational System; Information Technology; Logical Scheme of Concepts; Computer Simulation Model; Methodology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i8.2000


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