Political Health Law in Indonesia in Baros District, Serang District
Everyone has a desire that he is always in a healthy condition and that public health must get legal guarantees and protection from the government. This is also damaging to the community in Baros Village, Baro District, Serang Regency. Health insurance and legal protection obtained by the community in the form of physical and spiritual welfare, shelter or a place to take refuge, a healthy environmental life and there is no discrimination in obtaining health care and obtaining legal protection for their health. As for the formulation of the problem in research on how to protect health laws in Baros Village. In this study, researchers used the literature study method and the type of dat used was secondary data. Law politics has a very strategic role. A political-law approach is needed so that the law that is enforced must always be based on national interests, then a political-law approach is needed. Likewise in matters of health, law politics is needed so that all people can obtain protection of the right to health which is a basic right of everyone.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i9.1955
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