Legal Arrangements of Law Enforcement in the Defense of the State to Strengthen the Defense of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia
One of the functions of the state of being very important state on guarantees is a function the defense of the country. Function the defense of the country intended especially for preserves and maintain the country of the list of possibilities under attack by one of the outside and from within. Research methods that were used with the approach is normative juridical approach for legislation statue approach) based on the data found so some conclusion can be drawn as follows: 1.strategy state-defense to strengthen the system which can ensure the defense of the country it has stood the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia (NKRI): a. manifesting the form of the implementation of education state-defense through the activities of education education of citizenship , basic military training , devotion as a soldier tni and devotion befitting a profession . b. realize the implementation of the system of the sense of state-defense through the socialization of the program state-defense to all levels of society. c. create software containing legislation to support the implementation of the program state-defense. Software used as a reference a legal right in carried out a state-defense. d. create the necessary to support the program state-defense, especially to give the consequences to the left temporarily work. The defense of the country strategy which can ensure it has stood the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia (NKRI) , at the same time to respond to the challenges the defense of the country in the future , is the application of the system of the defense a strategy of defense in a padded menyinergiskan lapis military defense with layers non-military defense . 2 .The implementation of the policy to strengthen the defense system the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia (NKRI), regulated in the law of no. 13 years 2002 on the defense of the country .Where explained above that bela of the country is the attitudes and behavior a citizen who imbued by take one to the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia that based upon Pancasila and the constitution of 1945 at sustained concern only the survival of the entire nation and the country .The state should know is the right and responsibilities of citizens.
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