Exploring the Interpretation of Cultural Values in Babad Banyumas Manuscript as a Means to Understanding Banyumas Society
Culture as an abstraction of a dynamic human experience, tends to develop in line with development of the supporting communities. Babad Banyumas as a literary work of traditional history reflects the culture which tends to convey a transformative message, and many of which loaded with social life values of the community at the time which became the underlying guidance and characters of the Banyumas society. This study aims to explore the culture and local values of Banyumas community's social life reflected from the text of Babad Banyumas. This is a qualitative study which employs content analysis to Babad Banyumas text as the data analysis. The data was collected through observation and interviews with experts in history. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis using display data, data reduction and data verification to find common themes. The results of the study found that there are manifested cultural values and concepts in Babad Banyumas among others the culture of showing gratitude ‘terima kasih’, cablaka, egalitarian, asceticism (tapa brata), freedom (free soul), and politeness, which are also effective in strengthening and instilling the local culture and social norms values appreciated and observed by Banyumas society.
Keywords: cultural values, Babad Banyumas, social studies
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i4.195
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