The Impact of Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 12 of 2020 on the Sustainability of Lobster in Indonesia

Ahmad Zafrullah Tayibnapis, Lucia E. Wuryaningsih, Radita Gora


The new policy to provide broad flexibility to capture lobster seeds is the same as opening up massive exploitation and welcoming the extinction of lobster seeds in Indonesia. The commitment of lobster seed exporters to develop cultivation is very doubtful and is suspected of using partnerships with lobster cultivators as an effort to obtain a lobster seed export license only. After obtaining the license, the exporters are predicted to break the partnership agreement. Therefore, there needs to be an evaluation, given that business actors are not ready with supporting facilities and infrastructure to carry out the cultivation. This qualitative research leads to a case study of the impact of a new policy regarding the export of lobster seeds on the sustainability of lobsters in Indonesia. This study uses primary data and secondary data to explore and explain the impact of Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 12 of 2020 in order to draw general conclusions and support the theory.


Government Policy; Cultivators; Fishermen; Lobster Seeds

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