Violence against Women and Patriarkhi Culture in Indonesia
One of the violations of human rights is violence experienced by women, where women are placed in a weak and vulnerable position with violence in terms of physical, psychological, economic and sexual violence. This violence results in women often undergoing unfavorable treatment and results in prolonged trauma due to acts carried out by men as holders of power and superior in life, as well as dominating both in the household, the economy and also politics. The existence of patriarchal culture which has existed for a long time and assumes that women indeed in their nature must serve their husbands and as successors to offspring result in women being unable to do anything, especially if coupled with the community's assumption that a woman as a weak person not required get an education which is high because it is labeled as a weak human being and this is what causes men to increasingly dominate the superior or power of women. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of patriarchal culture to violence experienced by women and efforts to combat violence caused by patriarchal culture. Method This study was conducted with normative research by examining the literature and legislation relating to the problem under study. The result is that a culture of patriarchy dominates the superiority of men to rule where woman can rule in life its aspects.
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