Critique and Analysis of Contemporary Scientific Exegesis Based on the Views of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli
Scientific interpretation of the Holy Qur’an is a remarkable phenomenon in the present age that many books and articles have been written to reject or accept it. Recognizing this method of interpretation and its evolution and historical background and evaluating what is presented under this title are the most important research works in the field of Qur’anic sciences. Abu Hamid al-Ghazali was the first to propose the theory of the Qur'an's inclusion on the first and last sciences, followed by Fakhr Rāzī, Zarkashī, and others. In the contemporary period, due to the rapid and astonishing progress of sciences, the emergence of new social, economic and philosophical schools, anti-colonial and revivalist religious struggles, the scientific attitude towards the Holy Qur’an has undergone significant changes and many Islamic thinkers have become interested in this method of interpretation and have developed it to protect the Holy Qur’an, remove the doubt of the conflict between science and religion and show the scientific miracle of the Holy Qur’an. Opponents of scientific interpretation, by emphasizing the guiding and humanizing role of the Holy Qur'an, consider it unreasonable to expect the expression of scientific issues from the Qur'an and consider the expression of such issues far from the dignity of this Holy Book.
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