The Development of Virtual Media Based Power Point Presentation (PPT) in Intermediate Speaking in Ikip Budi Utomo Malang
This study is an educational research development. The resulting product is a PowerPoint media for learning speaking skills, especially in Intermediate Speaking. Issues discussed in this study is how to develop PowerPoint interactive media for communicating in Intermediate Speaking in Ikip Budi utomo Malang. The stage of development consists of 5 stages, namely a) needs analysis b) design phase, c) creation of the media, d) validation from the expert , e) the final product. These learning media is in validation by the expert from Ikip Budi Utomo Malang . This research use the question form to evaluate the quality of media response, lecturer and student response. The development of PowerPoint media for Intermediate Speaking skills are developed through analysis of learner’s needs. The results of this study indicate that the media is created using the Microsoft Office PowerPoint-based virtual media worthy of being used as a medium of learning conversation skills. The production quality is determined by the feasibility of media the feasibility aspect, learner’s needs and the uniqueness of design . From the results of a test run of the product stated that media PowerPoint to learning intermediate speaking skills worth used in class, in addition to that, this medium could be used for learners. The quality of final product PowerPoint media is known by conducting a test run of the product. Tests performed with two stages, namely (1) the validation from the expert media and design, (2) field trials to students of Ikip Budi Utomo in the third semester.
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