The Effect of Learning Orientation on CRM and Innovation Capability Hotels in Lombok through PLS

Riza Harlina, Akhmad Saufi, Sulhaini Sulhaini


Learning Orientation is required to generate innovative products in public services industry. More comprehensive study is indeed required towards the relationship between learning orientation and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) especially in the hotel service sector. This study is projected to unite two roles of organizational culture, namely learning orientation and CRM that are addressed to develop innovation capabilities. There were 72 samples. Those were managers and hotels staff that headquarter in Lombok.  The research was accomplished by conducted quantitative approach. SEM PLS with the Smartly 3.0 application was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the role of learning orientation had a direct positive and significantly affect on CRM and innovation capability. There was also positive effect but not significant in terms of indirect relationship. This research contributes to the development of innovation capability by providing empirical evidence that the stronger the learning orientation, the stronger CRM and innovation capability. Hotelier needs to emphasize learning orientation in enhancing innovation capability


Orientation Learning; Customer Relationship Management (CRM); Innovation, Hotels in Lombok; PLS

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