Factors that Influence the Electronic-based Development Planning Process in Makassar City

Ichsan Ichsan, Juanda Nawawi, Rakhmat Rakhmat, Muhammad Yunus


This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the electronic-based development planning process in Makassar City. This research method uses a mixed-method approach or mixing method, namely quantitative and qualitative. In this study, several types of data collection techniques were used, including interviews, observations, document tracking, and notes. The data analysis technique in the mixed convergent method is side by side comparison. The results of this study indicate that regulations that are used as guidelines for development planning are often released late, there is a tendency to be inconsistent with differences in performance indicators, the main ideas of DPRD are not verified, the concern of regional officials in compiling documents Development planning is limited to rhetoric, maximizing big data, optimizing the SIPPD, the results of research and surveys that have been conducted by the Makassar City Regional Research and Development Agency cannot be utilized optimally by the Makassar City Development Planning Agency as analysis material to be considered in development planning. There is a need for development to improve the quality of an electronic-based development planning system so that transparency and speed of completion can be optimized.


Development Planning; Electronic Systems; Documents

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i8.1869


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