Tourism Development Potentials Through Inter-Districts Cooperation (IDC) in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia

Bastiar Tambuh, Novita Wulandari, Habibullah Magsi


This paper reviews academic research into potential tourism through inter-distsricts cooperation (IDC) in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The aim of this paper is threefold; first, to collect strategic tourism issues, in order to highlighting most important issues to avoid uncertainty. Secondly, to identify issues that are worth with cooperation. Third, to draw recommendations and follow up prospects on the development of tourism potential in the region. The paper argues that tourism development potentials through IDC in Southeast Sulawesi (Indonesia), with natural tourism and cultural tourism by involving relevant stakeholders in increasing dimensions: attractions, amenities, accessibility, human resources, industry and communities in the area of cooperation.


Inter-Districts Cooperation; Development; Tourism Potential; Indonesia

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