An Evaluation of ‘English Skills for the Future’ for Tenth Grade Using the Perspective of Revised 2013 Curriculum
This article reports book evaluation in the textbook entitleds ‘English Skills for the Future’ designed for the tenth grade students of senior high school. The main objective of the research are to: (1) discover whether English Skills for the Future is relevant to the English language and literature syllabus of Curriculum 2013, (2) find out whether English Skills for the Future develops the scientific approach, (3) determine whether English Skills for the Future develops authentic assessment and (4) discover whther English Skills for the Future meets the characteristics of good English textbook. The data of this study is document analysis and observation. The data were collected by using document analysis. The technique analyzing data on the textbook involves data collection, data reduction, data display and drawing conclusion as proposed by Miles and Huberman (1992, p.16). The result confirmed that ES book had met 71% criteria of good book with coverage 63% for relevance of the materials to the curriculum, 75% for material accuracy, 73% for supporting learning materials, 76% for language appropriateness, 81% for presentation technique, 71% for teaching and learning technique, 100% for presentation coverage and 71% evaluation standard of 2013 curriculum. ES book was relevant to the 2013 Curriculum due to the presentational activities and activities for character building.
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