Indonesia Education Readiness Conducting Distance Learning in Covid-19 Pandemic Situation
At the end of 2019 China was shocked by a very deadly virus outbreak, Covid-19. Then in 2020, this virus outbreak became a global pandemic that resulted in many life settings being forced to change suddenly, one of which was teaching and learning activities in schools. Indonesia also immediately adjusts the conditions to minimize the spread of this virus. Schools and universities agreed to change learning activities towards distance learning systems. However, the poor implementation has actually made the situation worse, where students feel a lot of stress due to distance learning management is not done comprehensively. This article aims to analyze the implementation of distance learning systems carried out by Indonesian education in the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Literature studies from various reports and scientific articles as well as in-depth interviews were also conducted with samples of students, teachers and parents, both in rural and urban environments in Indonesia which were most affected by the Covid-19 virus. The results of the analysis conclude that Indonesia has prepared virtual infrastructure well, but the factors of teachers and schools still need to understand more about the essence of distance learning. Students have low self-regulated learning so they are less able to regulate their distance learning activities, teachers tend to stutter about technology, and parents lack understanding of the nature of teaching and learning activities carried out at home.
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