Influence of The Environment, Culture and Image on Selection of Private Senior High School in Region East Jakarta
This study aims to get obtain information about the influence of the environment, culture and image on the selection of Senior High School. This research is an associative quantitative research. The study was conducted using a survey method with data analysis technique used to answer hypotheses is the Structural Equation Modeling technique. The population in this study were 995 respondents, and a sample of 285 respondents were selected using random sampling. The study focused on four aspects that determine the environment, culture and image of school selection. The results of the analysis conclude (1) There is a direct difference between schools on school selection, (2) There is a direct effect of schools on school selection, (3) there is a direct influence in school image on school selection, (4). There is a direct influence in the School environment on the School Image (5). There is a direct influence of school culture on school image (6). there is a direct influence of school environment on school culture.
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