Empowerment of Farmer Women Groups Through Optimization of the Yard Through the SFHA System
Potential land area in Indonesia covers 10.3 million hectares while in Indramayu District especially Lelea District the land area reaches 610.21 hectares (BPS Data, 2018). With this SFHA model, there is hope that national food security and independence can be created starting at the household level. This study aims to analyze the empowerment of women farmer groups and factors related to the empowerment of women farmer groups through optimization of the plot of land with the SFHA system and formulate an appropriate strategy for planning the empowerment of women farmer groups through optimization of the plot of land through the SFHA system. The study was conducted in Lelea District, Indramayu Regency, West Java Province. in March to June 2020. The research sample is 63 farmer women who are members of the farmer women's group who have implemented the SFHA program. The sample is determined using quota sampling based on the activeness of group members. The research variables consisted of the characteristics of farmers, environment, government support, the role of extension workers, facilities and infrastructure. Primary data collection using instruments in the form of questionnaires. Data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques and Spearman's Rank correlation and Kendall'W analysis. The results of research on the empowerment of farmer women groups through optimization of the yard through the SFHA system are in the medium category with a percentage of 68.3%. Factors related to the empowerment of farm women groups through the optimization of the yard through the SFHA environment system. Government support, facilities and infrastructure, and the role of extension workers. The strategy used in the empowerment of farm women groups by increasing the skills of women farmers in choosing cropping patterns and commodities in the yard.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i6.1805
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