Balanced Scorecard and ISO 31000, Risk Management Integration to Improve Performance: Case Study at Indonesian Credit Union
This study aimed to integrate the Balanced Scorecard and risk management processes with the Cindelaras Tumangkar Credit Union (CTCU), Condong Catur 01 Branch office. CTCU has four Branch Offices (BO), meanwhile this study was conducted on one of the CTCU at Condong Catur 01 Branch Office. The risk assessment was based on the framework model of ISO 31000 and Balanced Scorecard. The result of the risk identification showed that the risks faced by CTCU were financial risk (credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk), operational risk, and business risk. In the risk analysis process, the result stated that the credit risk was the highest risk, meanwhile the market risk was the medium risk. Based on the evaluation results, the financial risks needed urgent priority to be handled because the risks had the highest impact on the performance degradation. Those risks were managed by doing risk mitigation.
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