Evaluation on Community Empowerment Policy after Conflict Resolution (A Study of Sub District Development Program in Poso District)

Moh Irfan Mufti, Intam Kurnia, Irwan Karim, Muhammad Ahsan Samad


The research aims to investigate the collective mobilization mechanism for the adoption of the Sub District Development Program. This style of analysis is contextual in concise terms of case studies. The technique of data collection consists of extensive interviews, observations, and documentation. The evaluation approach using the CIPP model (context, data, procedure, and product) and the Seven E definition (intend, inform, remove, communicate, enthuse, equip, and evaluate). The findings revealed that: (1) Implementing PPK on the context, data, method and product aspects of the program, implementing PPK on the technological aspects of its fiscal, and uncharged empowerment; (2) certainty of program form was not adequate and the software system is still operating ineffectively; (3) Implementation of Sub District Development Program in context Besides, the Sub District Development Program implementation in Poso had programs for reconciliation and post-conflict peacebuilding sponsored by the "Sintuwu Moroso" community, but not yet wholly added to the social capital and local awareness. The variable that inhibits PPK is the variable in deepening public trust and low assistance for target groups in local bureaucrats; 4) The application of the Seven-E empowerment concept has not been effective, institutionally it is necessary to apply the Seven-E empowerment concept to KDP, so that social transformation will take place mainly through education, mentoring and evaluation


Policy Evaluation; Empowerment; Program; Conflict Resolution

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i8.1792


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