Effectiveness of the Management of Pajale Food Security Program (Rice, Corn, and Soybean) In West Aceh Regency
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and impact of the Pajale (Rice, Corn, and Soybean) of the UPSUS (Special Effort) Program on the production of rice, corn, and soybean in West Aceh regency. This study conducted in West Aceh Regency. The method used to collect the data is the random sampling technique. The number of samples determined using Solvin formula. However, due to the limited time, energy, and cost, the researcher only took 188 samples from the total population of 584 respondents. The analytical method used to answer the first hypothesis is using the effectiveness formula, as follows: The Effectiveness of Program = (R/T) x 100%. The analytical method used to answer the second hypothesis is using the PAM (Policy Analysis Matrix) approach. This method used to determine the impact of the UPSUS Pajale Program. The matrix of PAM consists of two identities that are the profit identity and the deviation identity.
Based on references from Litbang Depdagri (Research and Development Agency, Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs) year 1991, the effectiveness of the UPSUS Pajale Program in West Aceh for Rice and Soybean categorized as effective, which is within the range of ≥80 – 100. Meanwhile for the commodity of corn categorized as quite effective, which is within the range of ≥60 – 80. This shows that the UPSUS Pajale Program implemented in West Aceh can support sustainable food self-sufficiency targeted by the government for rice and soybean commodities. This can be done by increasing the harvested area and production of both commodities.
The impact of the program determined using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). If the profit coefficient (PC) > 0, then the government policies can increase profits obtained by producers, and vice versa. Based on the PAM calculation result on the impact of the program, it shows that the UPSUS Pajale Program implemented in West Aceh can increase profits achieve by producers for all three commodities, rice, corn, and soybean where is the PC > 0.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i6.1778
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