Personal Data Protection in Indonesia: Legal Perspective

Andriyanto Adhi Nugroho, Atik Winanti, Surahmad Surahmad


The arrangement of personal data protection in national law is stipulated explicitly in the regulation of the Minister of the Ministry of communication and  Informasi  No. 20 of 2016 on the protection of personal data. In Indonesia, there are no rules that accommodate the protection of personal data on financial technology. That can be hazardous when the economic response of technology is not limited to its use. The case of personal data is not contained in the case of a Such hazard that may arise. The case from the theft of personal data, damage to the system that may allow the occurrence of data breaches, misuse of personal data that has been the business ruled itself, or other parties who may access personal consumer data (such as government). The need to set this up is important because private data is a person's privacy right. Still, it can fundamentally be economically valuable for a third party who is about to take advantage of it.


Data Protection; Personal Data; Financial Technology

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