Agroforestry Based Education for Forest Edge Communities (Analysis of Agroforestry Education in MTs Pakis, Banyumas Regency)

Ankarlina Pandu Primadata, Alfan Biroli


Education is a right for every individual, but sometimes not everyone can get the education as expected. Forest edge communities residing in Pesawahan Hamlet, Gunung Lurah Village, Banyumas Regency are examples of people who cannot enjoy the beauty of education properly. The condition of remote areas, with access to transportation that is quite difficult, and the absence of telecommunications signals increasingly makes it difficult for forest edge communities to obtain proper education. MTs Pakis is a school that was built in the area of Pesawahan Hamlet as an effort to provide better education services for forest edge communities. The school has two methods of education and learning, namely formal education and learning methods and agroforestry education and learning methods. The agroforestry education method is carried out because of the condition of students who must continue to help their parents in the fields and rice fields even though they attend school. With agroforestry education, students not only receive subject matter indoors, but also gain expertise and skills related to agriculture and animal husbandry. This is done so that students get provisions for their daily lives.


Education; Forest Edge Communities; Agroforestry; Alternative Education

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