Legal Analysis of Fingerprint Formation in the Original Deed of Land Deed Official (PPAT)
This research aims to analyze the formation of fingerprints in the deed of Land Deed official (PPAT). According to Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 24 of 2016 about the amendment of Government Regulation No. 37 of 1998 about department Regulation (PPAT) Land deed official. In the event that the fingerprint of the the appearers on this PPAT deed there is an empty norm, because in the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 24 of 2016 about the amendment of Government Regulation No. 37 of 1998 on department rules Land deed Office (PPAT), not listed in the article on the formation of fingerprints on the original deed of PPAT. Apart from this, it is also questionable about the legal force of the The Appearers fingerprint on the PPAT deed in terms of providing legal protection to PPAT that prints fingerprints on the deed which is made. The problem is how the concept of fingerprint formation in the creation of the original deed of PPAT and what is the juridical implication on the formation of fingerprints in the original deed of PPAT. This research aims to determine the concept of fingerprint formation in the creation of the original deed of PPAT and to know the juridical implications for the formation of fingerprints in the original deed of PPAT. This method of research uses normative legal research methods. The approach used is the of approach, and the conceptual approach. The results of this study are the first the creation of fingerprints is only in accordance with law No. 2 of 2014 on the amendment of law No. 30 of 2004 on the Department of notary, found in article 16 paragraph (1) C which is "to attach letters and documents as well as fingerprint in the deed minuta", so that this rule only applies to notaries instead of PPAT. While in the regulation of the Department of PPAT, there is no rule on the formation of fingerprints in the PPAT deed but in practice many PPAT put fingerprints on the PPAT deed. To attach the appearer to the original deed PPAT aims to anticipate if a time when the complainers deny his or her signature to the original deed of PPAT, then as evidence for additional use of the appearer. So it should be made a provision or regulation of legislation that set it. Second according to the PPAT formation of fingerprints, of course, can be, in addition to no rules advocating, there are no rules that prohibit and there is no sanctions if a fingerprint in the PPAT deed, especially if the complainant does not feel the objection to fingerprint in the deed.
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The Law
Law No. 2 of 2014 on amendments to law No. 30 of 2004 concerning notary Department
Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning notary department, Article 1 digit (1). Article 22 government Regulation No. 37 of 1998 on regulation of the Office of Land deed.
Article 2 paragraph (1) of government Regulation No. 37 of 1998 on regulation of the Department of Land Deed official.
Article 10 of government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 24 of 2016 about amendment to government Regulation number 37 of 1998 about department Regulation (PPAT).
Government regulation of the Republic of Indonesia number 24 of 2016 about amendment to government Regulation number 37 of 1998 about department Regulation (PPAT) Land deed official.
Republic of Indonesia, Law number 30 of 2004 concerning notary Office, article 1 Figure 7.
General explanation of UUJN Number 2 of 2014.
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