Analysis of Factors Affecting the Application of Accreditation Standards in Work Groups of Public Health Efforts towards Work Productivity in Bongo II Health Center Boalemo Regency
Accreditation is government recognition of standards that have been applied to provide an illustration of the extent to which health service standards have been applied. This study aims to examine the factors that affect the application of accreditation standards in the Working Group on Public Health Efforts (UKM) on Work Productivity in Bongo II Health Center in Boalemo Regency. This type of qualitative research is exploratory. The informants of this study were 13 informants. To examine the implementation of accreditation standards in the Public Health Efforts working group in realizing work productivity in the Community Health Centre. Data analysis with an interactive model consists of three stages of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions. The results showed that, in the communication process it was necessary to set clear standards so that the policy objectives would be achieved, the budget factor, facilities/infrastructure was a supporting factor if HR in the puskesmas (Community Health Centre)were able to take advantage of opportunities in the environment such as the existence of budget support from village funds which was quite optimal. Increased work productivity at the Puskesmas needs to be supported by evaluation and supervision factors by an active work team. The work team formed must really carry out the tasks according to the SOP, so that the performance of the staff will be directly proportional to the final goal to be achieved, namely health services in quality health centers.
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