A study of the Qur’anic Mutashābihat of the Surah Yūnus
One of the Mutashābihatbetween the stories of the prophets (PBUH) is the reasons for the departure of Prophet Yūnus(AS) from his people in the Holy Qur'an, among which there are two main views: First, it is due to misdiagnosis and violation of divine rights; and secondly, he considers it completely acceptable and in line with his divine missions. In this article, we have tried to explain the Mutashābihat (i.e. similarities) about Prophet Yūnus in a descriptive and analytical way, as well as in a critical approach. To do this, we first examined the Muḥkamatof the prophets in the Qur'an, and then the specific Muḥkamat of Prophet Yūnus. The Muḥkamat discussed in the context of the verses in question were also analyzed. As a result, it has been proven that, contrary to what most people think of Prophet Yūnus as a sin or abandonment of the better act in the outrageous departure of his people and his affliction as a result, his anger and his optimistic view was praiseworthy, and what happened to him at sea has been a divine affliction and a ground for his promotion. But his confession to oppression was an acknowledgment of the inherent poverty toward God and a reference to his previous worships and that he wished he had performed such acts of worship in his past life. God's command to the Last Prophet not to be like Prophet Yūnus is to show the superiority of the Last Prophet’s position over other great prophets, and it is never a sarcasm to Prophet Yūnus.
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The Holy Qur’an
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i12.1722
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