A Call for Barriers in Implementation of Education Regulation: The Latest English Textbook as Main Instructional Media in Schools in Indonesia
Education in Indonesia is much influenced by the implementation of the latest curriculum namely 2013 curriculum with integrated skills approach. The implementation condition must be overseen through time to measure how effective the progress and the result are. To find out the condition, this study involved the teacher and students in the implementation of this issue to find out their perspective and their experience in the real condition of learning process. This paper explores the significant impact of implementation policy in the textbook in Indonesia as the main instructional media applied in the entire country. This study on the other hand tried to reveal the authentic condition in the process of learning and teaching by focusing on English materials. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used in the process of data collection. This research found many barriers faced by the teacher and students in the policy implementation of textbook in the school as the national sample. The special purposes and the local situation influenced a lot the impact of this country-scale regulation. This study result is expected to provide additional information and evidence to fulfill the aim of the learning process effectively in the future that will be beneficial for authority of education policy, teachers, students, organization, and etc.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i4.170
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