Legal Protection of Land Rights Holder in Land Procurement for Public Interest (Case study of Tower development SUTT 150KV in North Lombok Regency)

Febrihadi Suparidho, Arba Arba, Widodo Dwi Putro


One of the principles of land procurement is the principle of participation, the involvement of rights holders clearly stipulated in article 7 paragraph (3) of Law number 2 of 2012 but in the implementation of the right-holder involvement is unclear and does not get legal protection. The problem is how the land rights holder involvement since the planning, preparation, implementation to the delivery of land procurement results for the construction of SUTT 150KV Tower in North Lombok Regency and how the effectiveness of land procurement implementation for the construction of SUTT 150KV Tower in North Lombok regency. This research aims to understand and analyze the protection of the law in the involvement of rights holders, and effectiveness in the implementation of land procurement for the construction of the tower SUTT 150KV in North Lombok regency. This method of study uses the normative-empirical legal research method, as it examines the provisions of the legislation governing land procurement for development for public interest and its implementation. The approach used is the legislation approach, conceptual approach, and the sociology of legal approach. The result of this research is the involvement of rights holders since the planning, preparation, implementation, and delivery of the results can be said to go well, but the lack of community participation. Both factors of effectiveness of land procurement implementation for building 150KV Tower in North Lombok regency is the implementing factors, factors of facilities and infrastructure, and community factors.


Land Procurement; Public Interest; Legal Protection

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