Teaching Culture: The Prevailing Stance of Indonesian EFL Teachers
The view of culture in EFL learning is growing from modernist to postmodernist perspective (Kramsch, 2013). Such growth gives impacts on the view and implementation of EFL learning. Accordingly, this study investigated the prevailing stance of Indonesian EFL teachers regarding teaching cultures. The stance in this sense was explored from the teachers’ paradigm to practice. This study engaged 17 English teachers with a variety of experiences, and they were purposively selected from different schools. This study revealed evidence that although the nature of Indonesian people were multicultural, and the essence of English as an International language was as a mediator of cross-cultural communication, dominantly Indonesian EFL teachers, the subjects of this study, still stood on modernist perspective and had not incorporated the nuance of multiculturality and interculturality as an important part of EFL learning. Only few of them did otherwise with postmodernist perspective. As an implication, this study really supported Indonesian English teachers to take a stance on postmodernist perspective in executing EFL learning to meet the students’ nature and that of English as a global language. The contribution offered by this study is to give evidence prevailing to Indonesian EFL learning and insights promoting its development in order for the curriculum can help systemize the nuance of multiculturality and interculturality in EFL learning.
Keywords: Indonesian EFL learning; EFL teachers’ stance; teaching culture; English as an international languageKeywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i4.169
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