Implementation of School Based Management in Elementary School 2 Penujak District Praya Barat, Central Lombok Regency

Lalu Muhammad Khairi Asmuni, Sudirman Sudirman, Fahruddin Fahruddin


This study aims to determine the implementation of School Based Management (SBM) in the field of curriculum and learning, students, and educators and education staff at elemnetary school 2 Penujak, Praya Barat District, Central Lombok Regency. Research uses a qualitative approach using a case study. The type of data of this research are primary data and secondary data. The primary data material in this study was in the form of interviews with the principal, teachers and administrative staff. The secondary data material in this study is data on the state of elementary school 2 Penujak, organizational structure, human resources and so on. Data collection techniques in this study are: (1) interviews, (2) observations and, (3) documentation studies. Various data collection techniques (triangulation), and carried out continuously until the data is saturated. Checking the validity of the data in qualitative research includes four techniques, namely credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The results showed that the implementation of School-Based Management in SD Negeri 2 Penujak was carried out through 4 management processes, namely planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring as well as in accordance with the essence of School-Based Management (SBM) namely autonomy, flexibility, participation, transparency and accountability


Implementation; School Based Management; Elementary School

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