Rite and Religion: Sangia Wambulu First Indigenous Imam of Buton Sultanate

Renold Renold


This study aims to determine the figure of Sangia Wambulu as the first indigenous imam/priest in the Buton kingdom. The method used is descriptive qualitative techniques. Based on field research, it is known that Sangia Wambulu was one of the warlords of the Buton sultanate who was later chosen as the imam of the keratin buton grand mosque by Sangia Waero-ero as the third priest of the Buton sultanate. Sangia Wambulu had an important role in the spread of Islam in the Sultanate of Buton in the 16th century.


Buton Sultanate; Grave Pilgrimage; Sangia Wambulu

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i5.1637


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