Realizing Indonesia Prosecutors Commission Professional and Trustworthy
Law enforcement in Indonesia is run by one of its institutions, namely prosecutors. Prosecutors have an essential role to be able to create and provide a sense of justice for the community. The performance and behavior of prosecutors run by the prosecutor are very often concern by the community, especially on the performance and behavior of the prosecutor. Prosecutors commission as one of the institutions that run the role as a supervisor of the behavior of the Prosecutor often also get attention because of the many cases involving the officials of the Prosecutor, especially the prosecutors. Concerning the role carried out by the Commission of the Prosecutor, then it can be withdrawn several problems such as the role of the Attorney's Commission in conducting performance supervision from the antics and what are the constraints of the Prosecutors Commission in conducting the performance supervision of the prosecutor. The role of the Prosecutor's Commission is related to the three main points of supervision, assessment, and monitoring, as well as the role of this Commission also publishes a report or recommendation which will later be released to the attorney general and passed back to the internal supervisor of prosecutors and the role of prosecutors the most critical commission is if the examination that has been processed by the internal Supervisor prosecutor does not show.
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