Study on Determination of Settlement Locations in PT. Batu Kapal, Sapa Raya Village, Tenga Sub-District, South Minahasa Regency
The development of housing development in Tenga District is indeed insignificant and only develops from existing conditions. Tenga District has directions for the development of residential areas oriented towards Agropolitan and Minapolitan. With good accessibility and supporting facilities, Tenga District has a fairly high development growth. In addition, with a letter from LOUIS GUNAWAN KHOE as Director of PT. Batu Kapal / HGU holder, who surrendered an area of + 20 Ha to be a suitable location to become residential land in the PT. Rock Ship. It started with the holder of PT. The fourth stone ship. Louis Gunawan Khoe submitted a proposal to develop PT. Batu Kapal to the Head of the North Sulawesi Provincial Plantation Office to obtain a Technical Recommendation for the extension of PT. Batu Kapal in March 2010, and on June 22, 2010 based on the Head of North Sulawesi Provincial Plantation Agency's Decree No. 1246/VI 2010 dated June 21, 2010 to conduct a field inspection at the plantation location of PT. Rock Ship. The purpose of this research is to find the biggest criteria from several existing criteria related to settlements and determine the location of settlements in accordance with PT. Batu Kapal in deliniation + 500 Ha. The study was conducted at PT. Batu Kapal, the research method is quantitative with AHP and GIS analysis. The results found: the criteria of not being in a protected area became an important criterion in determining the location of residential areas as a percentage of 51%, and the location of settlements that were in accordance with PT. Batu Kapal in delineation + 500 Ha is recommended in HGU certificate No. 10.
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