Iranian Students’ Specific Life Style and Leisure Time; a Case Study of University of Tehran
Leisure time as a modern social is being focused these days, albeit any sort of interest isn't specifically arranged under it. Inside this exploration the framing encounters of necessities and styles of college students were examined. In this examination it has been attempted by using Bourdieu hypothesis the exploration questions are proposed. The members of the examination are for the most part female and male understudies University of Tehran. The specimen was picked by the use of Cochran with the standard deviation of 0.4.5% 470 students. The outcomes demonstrated that members can isolate in two sections dynamic and idle style which the vast majority of interviewees are willing toward a dormant style of relaxation time. While the significant piece of understudies' chance is spent on the utilization of innovative devices conveniently. For sure, watching satellite motion pictures and arrangement, investing energy in broad daylight talk rooms, PC amusements, are only a misuse of understudies' opportunity.
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