Analysis of Mathematic Creative Thinking Ability of 10th Grade High School Students About Solution Mathematics Problems

Mentari Dwi Saputri, Ikrar Pramudya, Isnandar Slamet


The ability to think creatively is an important component needed in the 21st century. Creative thinking is a person's ability to produce various ideas or concept and or new alternative solutions in solving a problem. Three important aspects of creative thinking are fluency, flexibility, and novelty. Teachers have an important role in preparing creative students, but there are still many teachers who do not understand what abilities students already have and how they should be treated. This research is a qualitative research about the level of mathematical creative thinking ability of 10th grade high school students in solving mathematical problems. This study uses purposive sampling techniques and triangulation methods. The research subjects are 62 students of 10th grade of high school. The data are collected using test and interview guidelines. The results showed that the level of mathematical creative thinking ability of 10th grade high school students was still low. A total of 33 students (53%) were not creative (level 0), 26 students (42%) were less creative (level 1), 1 student (2%) were quite creative (level 2), 2 students (3%) were creative (level 3), and no student (0%) was very creative (level 4). So, students' mathematical creative thinking abilities still need to be developed, such as by getting students to work on a Multiple Solution Task (MST) and or applying a 3CM (Cool-Critical-Creative-Meaningful) model in the learning process


mathematical creative thinking, high school, mathematical problems

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