Land of Hope and Land of the Lost: Study of Power Relations and Local Wisdom Ethnic Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia
This paper examines the marginalization of indigenous lands belonging to Lampung ethnic group and changes in power relations between Java and Lampung ethnic groups. Lampung has been the destination area of colonization since 1905 and was followed by transmigration of Javanese. The turnout of population from Java in Lampung was a part of the program of development distribution and poverty alleviation in Indonesia. The impact of the arrival of Javanese to Lampung is the marginalization of indigenous lands in Lampung. The lands in Lampung have been largely controlled by the new comers and the plantation companies growing in Lampung. The relationship between Javanese and Lampung ethnic groups has also given an effect to this marginalization. The research used qualitative method with ethnographic approach. The data were collected through in-depth interviews and participative observation. The results of this investigation indicate that the marginalization of land belonging to Lampung ethnic group occurs in such a way that not realized by the Lampungnese or may due to the change of the views of Lampungnese on the meaning of "power”. A power over a land has no longer described the real power, but the power in the political system and the local bureaucracy does. Lampung ethnic group also experienced extinction in the culture, except the identity of the "self-esteem" which has been actualized in form of power in local politics.
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