The Investigation and Criticism Moral Development Ideas of Kohlberg, Piaget and Gilligan
Ethical growth means the change in how children reason in ethics, their attitude toward law-breaking and, their behavior in dealing with ethical issues. In this article, Kohlberg, Piaget and, Gilligan's views on moral development are mentioned, and their purpose is to compare and critique the views of the scholars mentioned above, together with Muslim scholars on moral development. Although Kohlberg believes that there is no prophecy about the relationship between age and moral development, in his studies ethical growth can be seen as a stage and limited to the age, in his opinion, each individual is at a particular stage in its own, and some His ethical judgments relate to the next stage and the pre-existing stage. Although Kohlberg has been a follower of Piaget in explaining moral development, there are significant differences with his view as Kohlberg extends moral development to the age of twelve. Gilligan's gender criticism of Kohlberg's theory considers the moral ends of his theory masculine. It does not pay attention to eternal moral fundamentals, moral motivation and feeling, good faith and culture, and objective moral behavior and reactions. The results of the verses and narrations indicate that in Islam too, human beings go through stages with their specific characteristics and must take into account their specific stage and conditions but do not specify a specific age range for their moral behavior and judgments, Rather, he views moral development as equivalent to the growth of knowledge and understanding of individuals.
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