The Effect of Peer and Empathetic Social Support Together and Individually on Prosocial Behavior in Adolescents
Prosocial behavior is a behavior which always develops from childhood to adulthood so that it has positive consequences on social maturity and social responsibility. This behavior is important for adolescents because it can increase positive behavior in others. This study aims to determine the effect of peer and empathetic social support together and individually on prosocial behavior in adolescents. This research used quantitative methods through ex-post facto research types. Sample of this research was obtained through multistage random sampling of 285 young people at the Middle School level in Danurejan District, Yogyakarta. They filled in 3 peer support research questionnaires, empathy questionnaire and prosocial behavior questionnaire. The questionnaires were declared valid by psychological measurement experts (content validity) and reliable with the Alpha Cronbah coefficient of the peer social support variable of 0.907, an empathy questionnaire of 0.890 and a prosocial behavior questionnaire of 0.895. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis with a significance level of 0.05. Results showed that there was an influence of peer social support and empathy together and individually on prosocial behavior in adolescents.
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