Digging The Traces of Islam in Baritan Tradition
This article aims to explore the traces of Islam in the tradition of "Baritan". The data were collected from observation, interview, documentation and literature study. The researchers here used data analysis techniques which developed by Miles & Huberman. This research was descriptive qualitative. Since religion and Islamic culture appeared in Indonesia, there was a process of Islamization of the people in Indonesia. Along with the process of Islamization, the socio-cultural changes occured towards the formation of a new culture which was based on Islam. Some traditions that are still used by some Islamic communities such as the grave, pilgrimage,charity, or traditional ceremony of Java which called as sekaten was also a proof of Islamic history in Indonesia that could not be forgotten. These traditions were born because of the influence of Islam which was acculturated with the local culture of the community at the time. One tradition that still exists today is the Baritan Tradition, which means the sea offering. This "Baritan" tradition, It was held every first suro of Javanese calendar or new year of Islam.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v5i3.149
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