The Effect of Brand Image, Brand Trust, Economic Benefits, and Brand Attitude Toward Purchase Intention on Iphone in East Java

Luklu’ul Maknunah, Basuki Rachmat


The objectives of this study are to: 1) examine the effect of brand image on purchase intention, 2) examine the effect of brand trust on purchase intention, 3) examine the effect of economic benefits on purchase intention, 4) examine the effect of brand attitude on purchase intention. This is an exploratory research in which the aim is to obtain information, insights, knowledge, ideas, opinions, and understandings in an effort to satisfy and define the problem and formulate a hypothesis. In this study, the population we took was iPhone users in East Java, of which approximately 200 people were involved as research samples. The sampling applied incidental sampling technique. The results of the study are that: 1) individual brand image has an insignificant positive effect on iPhone purchase intention and the significance is 0.487, 2) individual brand trust has an insignificant positive effect on iPhone purchase intention and the significance is 0.078, 3) individual economic benefits have a significant positive effect on iPhone purchase intention and the significance is 0.000, 4) individual brand attitude has a significant positive effect on iPhone purchase intention and the significance is 0.001.


Brand Image; Brand Trust; Economic Benefits; Brand Attitude; Purchase Intention

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