The Influence of Ingredients, Halal Logo and Religiosity on the Consumer Purchase Intention at Kober Mie Setan Gresik
Food with unusual names has been increasing lately. It makes the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of West Sumatra and the MUI of Regency/City on July 20, 2019 issued a fatwa that food or drink using the name setan (satan), iblis (devil), or neraka (hell) was haram. Therefore, not all popular and fast food restaurants have halal certification from MUI, especially foods with the name of satan, devil, or hell. It might affect consumers' intention to visit the restaurant or fast food restaurant. However, it is not applicable to Kober Mie Setan in Gresik whose numbers of consumers continuously increase, even though the majority of the population in Gresik is Muslim. Based on the background of the problems, this study was aimed at investigating the consumers of Kober Mie Setan in Gresik, totaling 200 people with a purposive sampling technique. The variables studied were ingredients, halal logo, religiosity and consumer purchase intention with multiple linear regression methods. The results of this study concluded that the ingredients, halal logo, religiosity partially and simultaneously have a significant influence on the consumer purchase intention at Kober Mie Setan in Gresik so that all of the hypotheses of this study have been verified.
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