Boedi Oetomo: The Multi Ethnic and Pioneering Organization to the Spirit of Nationalism

Winahyu Adha Yuniyati, Leo Agung, Warto Warto


The Dutch government had once launched the Ethical Policy in Indonesia, leading to the birth of the national movement. Indonesia implemented the national movement as an effort to build nationalism spirit of the people. The aim of this study is to analyze the nationalism spirit of Boedi Oetomo organization members during the movement period. This employed historical method, in addition to using literature study to analyze the data. Boedi Oetomo was the first organization established during the national movement in Indonesia. This organization is engaged in social and education, as a result of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. This organization was run by scholars or students consisting of various ethnic backgrounds in Indonesia. From studies of literature, it is found an analysis of the nationalism spirit that appears on the members by joining Boedi Oetomo organization. The diversity of tribes, races and religions within the organization had never been a reason for dispersion, however, it is jsut a symbol to unite and realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Although Indonesia consists of many islands and the people of different ethnic and class backgrounds,  but by the spirit of nationalism can unite them.


Nasionalism; Organization; Boedi Oetomo

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