Analysis of Neonatal Service Management in the Community Health Center in Central Buton Regency

Andriana Masita, Martha Irene Kartasurya, Ani Margawati


The coverage of Complete Neonatal Visits (KN) in Central Buton Regency in 2016 was 94.1% and in 2017 increased to 98.8% but the coverage of neonatal complications handled in 2016 was only 10.4% and in 2017 only 18.8% and still below the SPM target (90%). The purpose of this study was to analyze the management of neonatal services at Community Health centers with the highest and lowest coverage of neonatal complications handled in Central Buton Regency. This research method is qualitative research conducted through in-depth interviews. Main informants: 10 health workers involved in neonatal services (5 from each Community Health Centre). Triangulation informant: Head of the family health section of Central Buton Regency and 8 mothers who have babies aged 1-3 months (4 people from each Community Health Centre). Data analysis with content analysis. The results of the study showed that high coverage public health centers had low quantity but good quality human resources, low coverage health centers had good quantity human resources but lacked quality. High coverage Community Health Centre has a target set, the Community Health Centre head and the coordinating midwife are always active and cohesive in motivating village midwives, directing and conducting supervision, while low coverage Community Health Centre does not exist. Organizing has been going well at both health centers.


Management; Neonatal Services; Community Health Centre.

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