Factors Affecting Asset Management in Malacca District

Melkianus Timotius De Fatima Leky, Bambang Subroto, Rosidi Rosidi


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of organizational structure, asset management information systems, leadership styles, quality of human resources and organizational culture on asset management in the Malacca District Government. This research uses quantitative research methods. All civil servants in the Malacca District are the population and 114 employees are selected as samples based on the purposive sampling method. The hypothesis testing in this study use the Structural Equation Model (SEM), Partial Least Square (PLS) software version 6.0. The results show that the Asset Management Information System (AMIS), Quality of Human Resources, and Organizational Culture have positive effect on asset management. Furthermore, organizational structure and leadership style variables do not affect asset management.

Keywords: Asset Management, Organizational Structure, Asset Management Information Systems, Leadership Style, Human Resources Quality, Organizational Culture



Asset Management, Organizational Structure, Asset Management Information Systems, Leadership Style, Human Resources Quality, Organizational Culture

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v7i2.1462


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